
Consultancy & Retainership Services

'Our Firm provides comprehensive secretarial advisory services with utmost dedication and helps the corporate world to abide by the law in letter and Spirit.

Firm provides very innovative solutions to the Legal and technical dilemmas so as to achieve good Corporate Governance practice and works as a Standard Setter for the whole Industry with their out of the Box ideas and practices and acts as a Complete Service provider for all your Secretarial needs.

The main Focus of firm is on "Client Satisfaction" and "Abiding Law" in servicing their clients.

Specialized Services:

  • Preparation of Agenda Papers, Notices, Directors Report & Minutes of Board, Committees of the Board & General Meetings.
  • Preparation and maintenance of various Statutory Records & Registers under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.
  • Incorporation, Change of name, alteration of the object, Capital & Situation clause of various public & private Companies & conversion of public companies into private and vice versa.
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